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praise the board!

we have been working with our featured shaper dave allee at almond for almost 3 months now. we have been extremely happy not only to introduce his shapes and designs to maine, but we really just dig working with almond.

we were able to do a custom board for our good friend and artist
nate deyesso- who built all of our awesome metal racks and surfboard stands. we had the pleasure of bringing the finished 9'0 almond singlefin to him with nate's own artwork on it this past week. his little ladies olive & matilda approved.

praise the board!

thanks dave and nate.


  1. tyler, it was nice to meet you last weekend. i have to come back to maine sometime soon and i'll bring liz along with me. sorry to ask you your name twice. :)
    ps - that is an amazing board.


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